Tuesday, November 1, 2011

2nd Mass Review from Big Church #1

Not being content to let well enough alone, I lassoed the family into returning to the Big Church for Mass.  Same organist, but this time all the selections were screwy (that's my code word for "stupid"); any church song that has the words "my deepest self" is officially stupid.  I believe that same song also has the line, "I am Your song."  Barf. That's what I get for being excited last week.  Anyway, the cantor had good pitch at least, even if she used motions normally reserved for guiding aircraft to the proper gate.  And the priest had a good homily.  He used not only the word "sin", but also the term "Holy Day of Obligation."  I was impressed.  Here at Local Church, the term is shortened to "Holy Day", and the obligation isn't usually discussed.  I didn't mention last time (because we were too close to the front and don't have eyes in the back of our heads) that this is a hold-hands-during-the-Our-Father and raise-'em-up-high-for-the-Lesser-Doxology parish.  At least no one tried to grab our hands, and they didn't join hands across the center aisle. Overall, though, this is still a good and decent parish for regular attendance.  I do wish it was closer.

Side note:  If you hear someone behind you coughing and hacking through Mass, do you extend your hand to them during the Sign of Peace?  I was the hacking one, and the lady in front of me unabashedly offered her hand.  Now, I had coughed into my coat sleeve every time, but she didn't know that.  Still...hygiene, people!

The fam intends to visit more area churches, so stay tuned.  Perhaps I'll record the whole Mass and then tear everything apart bit by bit.  *kidding*

Oh yes -- some of us attended the All Saint's Vigil Mass at the church where I formerly played.  The music director apparently couldn't be bothered to prepare the psalm with a cantor, so we spoke it. There was a choir, however.  There were five EMHC's for a congregation of about 60 people.  I was slightly upset and a little amused at the absurdity of it, but my nerves were calmed and soothed by the tinkling piano lounge music emanating from the electronic keyboard.  Hearing the keyboard always makes me think of wire-cutters.  Not sure why.  In my past engineering life, I always carried a mini-screwdriver (the tool, not the drink) with me "just in case," because you never know when you'll need one! Thinking about it, this could also apply to the drink. Anyway, I thought about carrying wire-cutters, but that may be a near occasion of sin. (Or would it actually be a sin?  Hmmm.)

Until next time mes amis, au revoir.


    Of course, as I read your reviews, I kept trying to pinpoint the exact parish you were visiting. I think I have it...but may need a few more clues ;)

  2. Hi Anna!

    It's Nick's church, named after Our Lady.


  3. At least at the "NEWMAN MASS" today waas indeed referred to as a Holy Day of Obligation. I can't recall if it was at the Vigil on Saturday because my brain can only retain so much. Nevertheless... small steps? Sorta maybe. I'm going at 5:15.

  4. MCK, I wish that the priests would refer to it as a Holy Day of Obligation at the preceding weekend Masses.

  5. About recording Mass... Is this something you get permission to do beforehand? Or do you - or have you already - done w/o permission. I assume you mean audio recording, but I'm also interested video (e.g IPhone) video recording... for liturgical abuse detection and dissemination so as to mitigate future abuses.

  6. Hi TH2,

    I've only done music recording in the past. Not sure I'd record for liturgical abuse detection unless there was something extremely illicit or invalidating going on. For example, if Father says, "This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, and calls us to be Himself for one another; happy are we who are called to his supper," I'll be annoyed, but will overlook it. If Father comes in on Good Friday with a woman in an alb, and she prostrates herself along with the priest/s (and there's evidence beforehand that this is going to happen) you bet I'll be there with video recorder, audio recorder, (or IPhone if I ever get one!) notebook, field glasses, and perhaps even dart gun. If Father starts improvising the Eucharistic Prayer, I'd have no qualms about recording and disseminating. I hate to admit there's a "liturgical abuse threshold," but really, haven't most of us been dealing with it for so many years that we're nearly immune? Pity, that.

  7. That's what I meant. At the Newman Mass (aka 6pm Sunday) it was referred to as such.

  8. Ah, okay MCK. I misunderstood.

  9. No probs. I went back and re-read and I was like oooo misleading language use, MCK!
