Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mary's Update

So I thought I'd serve up a Quick and Dirty Update for those who think I've forgotten the address of this blog.

University is going positively swimmingly, including French.  Give me a few more weeks, and I'll post exclusively in French.

Counterpoint could possibly kill me.  The first midterm exam was today, and I probably did okay on it.  However, my midterm project, a two-voice three-section composition is officially overdue (I initially typed "overrude".  Freudian, for sure.) I've spilled much pencil lead, but finished composition.  Happily, the prof allows us to re-do (and re-do and re-do) until we get a grade we're satisfied with.  He handed one back to me today -- and said to re-write it again; I have a terrible propensity toward halving note values, which makes them illegal in 16th-century counterpoint.  Despite it all, I've got an A so far.

Senior recital is postponed until January, but I have to play nearly the entire program next Tuesday for keyboard lab.  Dreading it.

Saw a terrific speaker tonight--Melissa Ohden-- who is a survivor of a failed saline-infusion abortion.  She'll also speak tomorrow night at the Pregnancy Resource Center's annual fundraising banquet.

My church job is not going well, and I'm quite disillusioned with the business of "church."  It is my plan to make this coming Sunday my last day. I'll email the priests and let them know right before Mass.  I anticipate that my extreme stress level will dramatically improve after this action.


  1. Melissa Ohden came?! OF COURSE - the year AFTER I leave :(
    Anyway, I'm glad to hear you have all A's Mary, and are about to make a decision to improve your stress level! I miss you :(

  2. Yay Mary posted :) :)

    Hi Anna! We miss you :(

  3. Congratulations on the A. Yes, you must do something about the stress. A suggested remedy - whenever you feel stress levels elevate, as quick as possible make yourself a grilled cheese sandwich (consume quickly), then eat three (3) red/cherry Gummy Bears, and then quickly down 1.5 ounces of tequila. Believe me, it works every time.

    Glad your back posting.

  4. Anna, I MISS YOU TOO!

    TH2, thanks. I managed to get an A on my second French exam, which is a minor miracle; I discovered today that I'd neglected to do about 30 online practice exercises that would've helped on that test. (I did them anyway.) Can you really eat three gummy bears? It needs to be an even number, to maintain cheek symmetry. Have you tried four, perhaps? Let me know.
