The beautiful burgundy North Face jacket hung enticingly on the rack. The logo was the same color as the coat, thank goodness (the author is too old to proudly sport logos) and the fabric was dreamy fuzziness. I scrunched it between my fingers then checked the tag. Not only my size, but on sale too! I could hardly believe my luck as I glanced high on the wall only to see a display of "goddess" banners. One of them resembled Our Lady of Guadalupe, except this figure was featureless. I guess goddesses don't have eyes. The coat fit perfectly. I carried it over my arm and decided to look at the jewelry before buying the coat. "What's that -- it's a pentagram. Hmmm...well, there are lots of pagans around here after all. What else do they have? No crosses, but WOW that's a lot more pentagrams." I walked back to the clothing rack, hung up the coat, and left the store.
Scene location: My almost dead computer (which needs either an exorcism or a sledgehammer. Maybe both.)
There's a 2010 prediction by Cardinal Francis George (Yes, I know the traditional way of referring to a Cardinal is "Firstname Cardinal Lastname"): ‘I will die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square.' Probably most of us feel that this is not an outlandish prediction. Certainly this is the direction our country and world is headed, the most recent evidence being the HHS mandate and the failure of the Blunt Amendment to pass. I dread what my children will endure.
Scene location: music library
As I sat with staff paper and straight edge in hand in order to make the counterpoint assignment as neat as possible (which paid off, by the way -- I received a 97), a table of female students was close by and rambling about whatever was of interest to them. Amid their random conversations was a bit about "yeah, they were trying to give condoms to everyone, and I was like, 'Get away from me!'" Daughter had told me earlier about the planned parenthood (can't bear to give them capital P's) student branch having a booth in front of the student center, so I put two and two together. I was quite heartened by the students' response. Maybe there is hope.
Scene location: Mary's brain
I believe that Facebook is an attempt by "forces" to keep extremely close tabs on the lot of us. And I don't have any interest in letting anyone know who all my relatives are, so I probably offend those who ask me to identify myself as cousin, niece, etc. by ignoring the requests. Hey - I'm anonymous on Facebook for a reason! And remember: just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you. :-)
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