Friday, November 18, 2011

Mary's big announcement (I have a job!)

Although I've not yet signed the paperwork, I've been offered and have accepted an organist position in a non-Catholic church one hour from my home.  This is a liturgical parish with a tradition of good music, and many musically knowledgeable parishioners.  They are very appreciative of what I have to offer them, and I know this will be a good fit.  Maybe after several years of experience, I'll be able to convince The Catholics that I'm worth having around.  Or maybe I'll work for this church for many years.

(I always thought that the Catholic church was the sole user of the term 'parish' and 'parishioners', but they use these terms to describe themselves.)


  1. Very glad to hear this news. Mucho happy for you. Good chance that this will be a good witness to the non-Catholics.

  2. Rats! Excuse the poor grammatical structure in that last sentence.

  3. TH2: thanks! The church is quite anglo-Cath.

    Didn't notice anything odd about your structure. You should see some of the sentences with which I come up.

  4. yay! This is awesome! I am SO curious where this is?! You'll have to e-mail me!

  5. Anna, look for a FB message from me in a few.
