Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More pics because I can't resist [EDITED]

My sisters were so cute!  Here are a few more scans.

The oldest two. I love the composition of this picture.

And then the oldest four.  If memory serves, this was the first day of school. (EDIT:  Memory serves poorly.  They were dressed for church.)  Mom was very particular about how her girls looked, and she sewed the dresses herself.

Oldest three.  Mom made these dresses too.  In fact, she made everything they wore. My parents were so proud of their little ones!

I know you're wondering-- there are seven of us, which I think of as the first four girls followed by the other three kids.  I happen to be sandwiched between my two brothers.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fun with scanning slides

My parents have 7.2 zillion slides from years gone by, so DH is scanning them for posterity.  Some of them are badly degraded, but the software cleans them up pretty well.  Have a look at my three oldest sisters.  Pic is from sometime in the 1950's.

Senior Recital Program

I don't know when, or where, or how, but my recital is coming up really soon.  Yep.

Here's the program:

Praeludium in G minor (BuxWV 149)………………………….....……. Dieterich Buxtehude

Ave Maris Stella………………………………………..….....….........……Nicolas de Grigny
         Plein jeu                                                                                                   (1672-1703)
         Fugue à 4
         Dialogue sur les grand jeux

Fantasie and Fugue in G minor (BWV 542)...…………….............Johann Sebastian Bach

Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité….…………......….........…Olivier Messiaen
        VI. Piece dédiée au Fils ou Verbe, deuxième Personne de la Sainte Trinité.                                (1908-1992)

Symphonie Romane, Op. 73………………………...……….……...…Charles-Marie Widor
IV. Final                                                                                                      (1844-1937)

Art, Cathedral, Late Hours, and the Beginning of the End (of 2011)

What happens when the pressure is on -- so many presents to wrap, food to cook, Christmas music to practice, school work to do, not to mention the usual Cooking, Cleaning, and Laundry®?  Leave work undone and head out of town.

Eldest Daughter was told that the Toledo Museum of Art had one of the best collections of Classical art in the country, so there we headed.  Indeed we were not disappointed. The museum is open for six hours a day during the week, but one day isn't enough time to get through all the exhibits and the Glass Pavilion across the street.  Indeed, we didn't see the pavilion at all, and had only a cursory glance at much of the main museum. The cafe had only "fancy" food, meaning that the grilled cheese sandwiches were made with large pieces of thick sourdough with multiple kinds of cheeses.  The salads were made with organic baby greens with roasted fruits and nuts, and all for the low, low price of $4.99 or so.  Certainly a very good deal.

Random girl poses in front of statue.  I was amused, so a photo was snapped.

On the way back to the hotel, we stopped at Our Lady Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral. The cathedral was the most incredibly beautiful place I've ever seen personally.  (I'm sure St. Peter's is great, but I've haven't been there yet.) Please take a few moments and see the virtual tour, which still doesn't show the real beauty of the place.

The PA turned the lights on for us so we could snap a few pictures.  The organ is on the right behind the tallest candlestick.

When we stopped, the cathedral was locked of course, but the Pastoral Associate (nota bene: a man!) kindly let us in and gave us a tour.  As luck would have it, the cathedral organist was practicing for Christmas.  What a treat!

 One of several excellent side altars.

As the PA explained that the center ceiling artwork, from back to front, displayed salvation history, it was all I could do to keep from breaking down in tears.  So much beauty!  So much truth!  Some work still needs to done; inexplicably, the tabernacle is located to the side of the altar in the baptistry, and the baptismal font is located under the baldacchino.  They'll be switched soon, thank goodness.

Another fantastic feature, located on the ceilings on each side of the church, are various paintings depicting scenes from the New Testament with the corresponding prefigurement from the Old Testament. For example, half of an arched ceiling section shows Abraham readying the sacrifice of Isaac on the mountain (Genesis 22), and the other half depicts the crucifixion.

 Descent of the Holy Spirit, and (we think) the pillar of fire that led the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 13.)

I was particularly impressed with a statue of the Blessed Virgin with Jesus in which she is smiling.  Lovely!

The next morning, we stopped at the Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation.  I've heard about this place for years, but never had the opportunity to visit.  Just as at the cathedral, we were the only visitors.

 Side altars depicting Our Lady of Consolation.
The church was very dark, so this is the only decent upstairs picture.

Time was quite limited, so we quickly viewed the church, then went downstairs to the lower church where the collection of relics is held.  Many prayers and supplications were made.

 My pal from childhood, St. Pio.

Many relics.  And I didn't get a picture of the case that had more relics and a skull.

We weren't able to see the spacious grounds and park; this gives an excuse to return for a longer and more fruitful visit. (The reason we had such limited time is because I needed to be at The Job, which is one hour from my house, at 4:30 p.m.)

A few days later brought Christmas Eve, in which I played for one service at 5:30 p.m., then was retrieved and transported via the Silver Bullet (my nickname for the poor unfortunate van; she used to be known as Catherine Sienna, but she's degraded enough that I feel bad about using a saint's name) to the next city north, where we caught the 7:30 p.m. vigil Mass.  The family then took me back to the church job, where I commenced playing at 10:30 p.m., and finally finished at 12:40 a.m.  After being approached by a man who insists that he will be my first organ student, Oldest Daughter (who stayed to keep me awake on the drive home) and I quickly stole away and finally arrived home at 1:40 a.m. For a person (me) who starts yawning at 9:30 p.m., it's quite a feat.

Thank you, Jesus, for safe travels.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mass review from Historic Church #3

Saturday evening found my family in the city where I'm now working, so it was a great opportunity to attend Vigil Mass at "St. X."  We've attended this church before, but not at the Vigil.  We quietly wondered what lay in store for us.

As we entered the church, we heard the faint sounds of guitar strumming.  Ah well, what does one expect at a Vigil mass?  Organ music and Gregorian chant? *smirk*

Soon, the musicians/band entered from the back room.  What was this?  A grey-haired band!  A pillar blocked most of my view of the side altar where they stood, but I definitely noticed the unmistakable neck of an electric bass.  I moved to the end of the pew to sneak a peek: behold! a guitar amplifier.  Truth be told, they were the least offensive folk group I've ever heard at Mass, but that doesn't say much, does it?

Otherwise, Mass was fine.  The readers were competent and I already knew that I really liked the priest.  I felt properly disposed to receive Communion, which I'm sorry to say does not always happen.

And speaking of that, I've attended Mass only twice (for All Saint's and Immaculate Conception) in my "hometown" since I stopped playing at my parish.  Both times, at each of the two churches, my ears were assaulted by the "music" presented.  It's hard to not become angry and think "they gave up ME for THIS?"  I am offended that at THE MASS, where Jesus gives us his Body and Blood, that we just throw any old thing at Him and call it "good enough."  This is the corporate worship of the Church!  Instead, the Mass is treated like some sort of Little League game, where everyone gets to play, and as long as we all have fun, it doesn't matter who wins.  Newsflash:  some of us aren't having fun, and we're all the losers.  Is it too much to ask to ELEVATE ourselves above the mundane, to give God what He deserves:  our very best?  So yeah....I wasn't able to receive Communion on either of those days, and I'm grieved by that.

So I have to admit that right about now, my faith life pretty much sucks.  That isn't to say that I don't believe; it just means that I find it terribly hard to pray, and find myself being quite pessimistic about anything happening in the Church today.  To put a positive spin on the situation, I'll say that my faith in God and the Church is unshaken, and it's not dependent on any charismatic priest/personality.  Instead, my faith will ultimately endure despite the clergy.

We've all read the interview question, "What's the most important piece of advice your mother gave you?"  Allow me to pass on my motherly wisdom:

1.  Never buy or wear cheap shoes.
2.  Never trust a priest too much (or at all.) 

The wounds of betrayal run deep.